Monday, March 11, 2019

Darrell's New Adventure

Dr. Darrell Beauchamp is leaving his position as Executive Director of the Western Heritage Museum and Lea County Cowboy Hall of Fame, to become the Executive Director of The Museum of Western Art in Kerrville, TX.  He will begin the new position April 1.

“Leaving the Western Heritage Museum and New Mexico Junior College was a very hard decision for my wife and me,” said Beauchamp. “When the folks in Kerrville asked me to consider the position, we felt it was an opportunity to be closer to our children in Austin.”

“The number of friendships I have made and built, these people are like family and will be with me for the rest of my life. I’ll be back to Lea County to visit. Some of my friends may be inducted into the Lea County Cowboy Hall of Fame some day. Some may have other special events in their lives that will be celebrated. I plan to be here for those. No, Lea County has not seen the last of me.”
Beauchamp earned his doctorate from Texas A&M University – Commerce. He began his 30-year career in museums as the founding executive director of the Pearce Museum in Corsicana, Texas, and went on to serve as the CEO for several world-class museums including the C.M. Russell Museum in Great Falls, Mont., and the Briscoe Museum in San Antonio.