Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Looking into 2018

Here's a list of dates to keep in mind for 2018.  Check the website and facebook for up-to-date information.

January 18 - Opening of In the Dark (exhibit is January 18-May 13)
January 27 - Family Fun Day
February 24 - Family Fun Day
March 10 - Women's Tea
April 28 - Family Fun Day
June 28 - Opening of The Cowgirl Who Became a Justice:  Sandra Day O'Connor (exhibit is June 28-November 4)
June 30 - Family Fun Day
July 28 - Family Fun Day
August 3-11 - Lea County Fair and Rodeo
August 25 - Family Fun Day
September 1 - Opening of Chartering Freedom (exhibit is September 1-October 20)
September 13-14 - Staked Plains Roundup for school trips
September 15 - Staked Plains Roundup Family Fun Day
October 27 - Dia de los Muertos Family Fun Day
December 6 - Christmas Traditions from Around the World
December 8 - Christmas Family Fun Day

Stories from Bonnie Moran's North Pole Village 3

7.  Rudolph and Clarisse
You'll have to look really hard for this one, but if you find this certain Rudolph you'll find him looking at Clarisse and Clarisse looking at him!  They're so cute.

 8.  Treecicles
You've obviously heard of icicles, right?  Well, have you heard of treecicles?  Didn't think so.  They are native to Bonnie Moran's North Pole Village.  These are trees that grow upside down.  Using gravity like this helps them grow big and strong.  These are the trees that are then sent to New York, Chicago, London, and other big cities for their tree lighting ceremonies.

 9.  Nana Split's
These three siblings have created a lot of trouble in the family business. Their family originally comes from a long line of snow cone makers and one store. One day the older sibling took over the family store. The middle child felt that he could do better than the older sibling so he opened his own snow cone shop just down the road. The younger sibling felt that people were getting tired of snow cones, so he opened an Ice Cream Shop between the two snow cone siblings.  Where would you eat?

Stories from Bonnie Moran's North Pole Village 2

4.  Snoozin' and Waitin'
Did you find the sleeping elf by the tree?  Ssshhhh!!!  Don't wake him.  He's waiting patiently for the pub to open.

 5.  Crayon Forest
You know how one of the shades of green in a box of crayons is called "forest green"?  Well that's a nod to where crayons come from.  Santa grows a forest of crayons in the North Pole!  At least he does in Bonnie Moran's North Pole Village.

 6.  Santa's Getaway
When not delivering gifts, Santa likes to get away and do some woodcarving.  He always has some friends and guest-carvers come out and keep him company.  Santa is content with his little creation while the elf here only likes to make animals bigger than himself.  The owl is also checking out his likeness and doesn't exactly seem impressed.  Come on Santa, it's almost Christmas!!

Stories from Bonnie Moran's North Pole Village 1

1.  Gone Fishin'
This little elf is fishing of the side of the mountain.  There's no fish up here so maybe he's fishing for reindeer?  I had no idea that is how one caught wild reindeer (DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME).  Maybe he just wanted to get away and wanted an excuse to use the "Gone Fishin'" sign he got for Christmas last year.

 2.  Jack be Nimble
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack owns a candle store and is going to set fire to the tree right behind his shop!!!  Good thing the fire department is only a few steps away.  And it looks like they are practicing...maybe Jack should be more careful.  **PSA don't play with fire!

 3.  S'mores
Ooooooooooooooooo Candyland seems to be haunted.  The ghosts of s'mores past are hanging out by the gumdrops.  I hope they're having a sweet afterlife.